Heart Healthy Smoothie Bundle

$ 296.00



(Vanilla and Chocolate)


The Healthy Heart Smoothie is a “Super Food” Smoothie that supports healthy heart function, metabolic function,  balances blood sugar, and enhances circulation. It is best as a meal replacement for breakfast and should accompany the Health Food Rocks! guidelines.


We recommend that you consult your physician before taking the supplements to be sure they are appropriate recommendations for you.


Ingredients: (included in bundle)


•       Gluco-BALANCE 1 scoop

•       Rainbow GREENS 1 scoop

•       FIBER 1 scoop

•       Magnesium Chelate Powder 1 scoop.

•       Super REDS 1 scoop

•       Arctic COD Liver Oil 1TB


Optional Super Food Boosters: (add 1-2 for additional goodness)


•       Super PURPLES 1 scoop

•       Chia Seeds 1 tsp

•       Matcha Powder 1 tsp

•       Spices: ginger or turmeric ½ tsp



•       Mix the above ingredients into 12-16 oz. of purified water.

•       You may add 1⁄2 cup of frozen organic dark skin berries or fruit.

•       Optional: You may add 1⁄2 cup of yogurt, rice milk, almond milk, or soy milk

•       Optional spices: Ginger, Turmeric, Cinnamon



•       All smoothie ingredients should be refrigerated.

•       The smoothie is best as a meal replacement for breakfast.

•       It has nearly 20 grams of protein.

•       Take at least 30 minutes to drink this. It is a meal.

  • The Healthy Heart smoothie is best if it is accompanied by the Health Food Rocks! guidelines

Download Heart Healthy Smoothie Recipe HERE

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