FullBloom Elixir

$ 39.00
  • Delicious honey elixir infused with flower essences. 5 drops, 5 times a day, under the tongue.

    MAGNIFIES: Deeper appreciation for the preciousness of life; recognition of your own beauty. Openness, fearlessness + purification of limitations from the inside - out

    DISSOLVES: Old habits + patterns; illusions, negativity, fear + attachment

    • NIGHT-BLOOMING CEREUS:Fearlessness, purification, transformation

      BANANA YUCCA: Uncovers secret talents, sense of purpose, unexpected leaps + bounds in progress

      BAMBOO: Unfaltering strength, persistence, focus, clarity, "I can do it" attitude

      PAPAYA FLOWER: Harmony within relationships, receptivity, balance of feminine + masculine aspects

      PINK LOTUS: Wisdom, insight, spiritual understanding.

      AZURITE GEMS ESSENCE: Clear understanding, deeper insights + new perspective.

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